生物医学工程研究所苏绚涛教授课题组论文(2D light scattering static cytometry for label-free single cell analysis with submicron resolution, Cytometry Part A, Vol. 87, 1029-1037 (2015).)被生物医学仪器领域国际知名期刊Cytometry Part A (5年平均影响因子3.1)选为2015年11月份封面文章(Cover Image)。
Cytometry Part A 期刊对该论文进行了相关封面文章报道(November 2015 Cover Image. Cytometry, 87: n/a. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22556):“On the cover: If each cell was an individual and tried to communicate its story with cytometrists via standard flow cytometers, this message would easily be lost in the crowd. Single cell based approach solves this and other technical issues by providing easy-to-use, label free, and flow-free alternative. Read the accompanying article from Xie and coworkers in this issue of Cytometry Part A.”
该论文主要作者包括研究生解琳艳、杨燕等,苏绚涛教授为该论文通讯作者。论文于2015年6月份在线发表,并被选为Cytometry Part A 期刊的主题文章(Feature Article):“免标记静态细胞术”(Label-free Static Cytometry),这也是山东大学在该杂志的首篇论文。